Dassault Systèmes : Virtual Universes for Sustainable Disruption

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Dassault Systèmes : Virtual Universes for Sustainable Disruption

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2020 is the first year of the "Decade to Deliver" for the UN sustainable development goals. Incremental innovation will not be enough; creative minds and disruptive ideas must be unleashed to initiate these changes. Virtual worlds have a fundamental role to play in this process of "resetting" practices and reinventing new paradigms. Alice Steenland, Chief Sustainability Officer at Dassault Systèmes, invites us to discover the group's vision of the future, where the virtual and creativity combine to highlight experience, integrate sustainability from the design stage and drive human progress.
  • A world leader in innovation since its creation nearly 40 years ago, Dassault Systèmes offers to put its virtual worlds at the service of human creativity. Thanks to the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, a collaborative innovation and business management platform, it gives companies and individuals the means to create new, more innovative and sustainable products and services. How does it work? By enabling them to anticipate the social and environmental impacts of each innovation in the virtual world, right from the design stage, and by placing human experience and collaboration at the heart of the creation process. This is its raison d'être: "to harmonize product, nature and life" to foster more human progress.
Virtual universes enable users to design, test and model radically new sustainable products and processes in record time.

- Alice Steenland, Vice-President of Sustainable Development (Dassault Systèmes)

  • Concretely, the virtual twin supports any innovation process, in order to build, from the very first stages, a technically, environmentally and commercially viable project by associating all stakeholders around this common vision. It gives a virtual representation, an exact reflection of the future real project, on which it will be possible to model, simulate and anticipate any behavior or impact to be taken into account. Whether it concerns design, the choice of raw materials, manufacturing processes, organization of operations, logistics or maintenance... Everything is integrated and evaluated virtually, before deploying the best scenario in the real world. Without this virtual horizon free of constraints and risks, would we have the courage to undertake the drastic changes the world needs
  • In order to give substance to its convictions, Dassault Systèmes has launched the 10-act program "The only progress is Human", which puts virtual universes at the service of major global challenges. Act 2 of this initiative, "Water for Life" was announced on 08.12.2020 by Bernard Charlès, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Systèmes. 
  • The question raised: "How can we contribute to preserving water, our most precious resource?".  Dassault Systèmes is committed to taking up this major challenge and proposes, thanks to virtual worlds, to measure and optimize the water footprint of companies, to support the growth of innovations focused on sustainable development and to better prepare future generations. More information on the "The Only Progress is Human" program


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